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About The Poodles


It was June 30th 2018 when Mimi saw her first daylight. After 3 months of playing and goofing with her siblings Mimi was adopted to our family. We can say Mimi charmed the humans who were looking for a boypup. But after meeting Mimi, black miniature poodle, the game was clear, she was the One. That’s when her pawsome & sweet new life began!

Mimi’s first year was full of adventures and awesome events. She was so sweet and amazing that mom and dad started to talk about a new puppy, a silver miniature poodle. A few weeks later daddy saw a cute silver poodle boy, born July 16th 2019, on social media. He was looking for a home and two weeks later our family grew with this beautiful casanova called Franz.


Mimi the Black Poodle and Franz the Silver Poodle. We are more than best friends. We’re like a really small gang.

From the start we were getting along so well! Sometimes Mimi was throwing Franz and eating his bones as well but that is big sister`s love. Nowadays little Franz isn’t so little anymore but he is still the baby of our family.

We live a happy and exciting life in Finland, Helsinki. They say Finland is the happiest place on Earth and we think that’s true. Lots of forests, lakes and four seasons. Autumn is a pawfect time for hanging in the woods and playing outside our home. In winter time we love to play in the snow and afterwards take a relaxing sauna (we just LOVE sauna!). Spring time is fresh, sunny and green! It’s also time for cherry blossoms. Summer, simply amazing! On summer it’s time for our birthday parties, woof woof!


We’re family pups. We love our humans, actually all humans, and follow them everywhere. And when we say everywhere, we mean EVERYWHERE – bathroom, sauna, work, ride, you name it. We are poodles you know. We take part in dog shows also and we love swimming, dobo, boat trips, agility, hiking, flyball you name it! And of course ice cream.

We look forward what the future holds. Hopefully more pawsome adventures, new friends and lot of treats!

xoxo Mimi & Franz


Our instagram-feed woof!

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